The triall, of Lieut. Collonell John Lilburne
by an extraordinary or special commission, of oyear and terminer at the Guild-Hall of London, the 24, 25, 26. of Octob. 1649. Being as exactly pen’d and taken in short hand, as it was possible to be done in such a croud and noise, and transcribed with an indifferent and even hand, both in reference to the court, and the prisoner; that so matter of fact, as it was there declared, might truly come to publick view. In which is contained all the judges names, and the names of the grand inquest, and the names of the hones jury of life and death. Vnto which is annexed a necessary and essential appendix, very well worth the readers, carefull perusal; if he desire rightly to understand the whole body of the discourse, and know the worth of that ner’e enough to be prised, bulwork of English freedom, viz. to be tried by a jury of legal and good men of the neighbour-hood.
Published by Theodorus Verax 1649